SGM-FX company news

Foreign exchange is in our DNA. We’ve been supporting clients for 20 years, and we pride ourselves on our history as well as our up-to-date market outlook and culture.

A City Break to Remember

A City Break to Remember

Patrick McDonagh Thu 7 Mar 2024

Recently my wife and I had the opportunity to visit capital city of the Czech Republic, Prague! The exploration of the city nicknamed “the City of a Hundred Spires” included time spent exploring the cobblestoned hub of landmark attractions in Old Town taking in the sights of the colorful baroque buildings, the Old Town City […]

Lights Out and Away We Go!

Lights Out and Away We Go!

Jamie Pritchard Thu 29 Feb 2024

Silverstone, also known as the home of British Motorsport, is a renowned racing circuit located in the Northamptonshire area of the UK. Built on the site of a former deserted Royal Air Force base, Silverstone has been hosting a vast number of iconic races since its inception in 1948. Redesigned in 1991, Silverstone is famous […]

My time spent with a rock-climbing murderer, a deceased queue jumper, and some poisonous Quality Street.

My time spent with a rock-climbing murderer, a deceased queue jumper, and some poisonous Quality Street.

Joseph Lovegrove Thu 22 Feb 2024

After reviewing my artistic preferences, political allegiances and use of technology, my tastes seem to be consistently ten years behind the times. Apparently, this also applies to my taste in fiction, as I’ve recently gotten into “Scandinavian Noire”, a global phenomenon/passing phase, stemming from “The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo” book series and TV drama […]

It’s behind you!

It’s behind you!

Julie Neal Thu 15 Feb 2024

Being a fan of going to the theatre, and lucky enough to live easy travel distance to London’s West End, I have an annual tradition of going to see pantomime at the London Palladium (some may argue this to be the Queen of Panto, or should that be ‘Dame’?). It all started seven years ago […]

The exhibition on everyone’s list

The exhibition on everyone’s list

Bujin Erdenetuya Thu 8 Feb 2024

A walk back in history a glimpse into a fashion icons life at Gabrielle Chanel fashion manifesto. I visited the V&A’s exhibition during the weekend, curated by Oriole Cullen, slyly was simplistic and the garment in display exuded taste and elegance. Women dressed fully in Chanel. A room full of fashion enthusiasts. Sometimes the people […]

Annual Bake-Off Competition at SGM-FX: A Sweet Success!

Annual Bake-Off Competition at SGM-FX: A Sweet Success!

SGM-FX Mon 22 Jan 2024

SGM-FX held its annual Bake-Off Competition today, and it was a day filled with sugar, joy and fun! The competition was fierce, with a series of very competitive contestants aiming for the top spot. But in the end, it was Meg Bonello’s vanilla cupcake with raspberry icing which took home the first-place prize, followed by […]

Next Stop – A Memorable Meeting with Dynamo

Next Stop – A Memorable Meeting with Dynamo

Michael Newton Thu 18 Jan 2024

5 years ago, a simple visit to Harrods turned extraordinary when I met Dynamo. This wasn’t just about getting an autograph; it was a meaningful moment that connected my quiet passion for magic with the artist who had inspired it. Magic has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember, […]

Next Stop – Candle Stick Maker

Next Stop – Candle Stick Maker

Charles Porter Thu 11 Jan 2024

I’ve always loved a market. Probably a good job I ended up working in one in the form of the foreign exchange market. As those new joiners (un)fortunate enough to join my team will find out, I don’t see financial markets as all that different to those traditional non-financial markets. They are governed by the […]

Was it really the best ‘Time to Die’?

Was it really the best ‘Time to Die’?

Edward Thorpe Thu 4 Jan 2024

Being an avid, almost fanatical Bond fan for the last forty or so years, I naturally had quite an emotional reaction to the finale of Daniel Craig’s tenure as Ian Fleming’s iconic character.  The film generally received positive reviews, praising the action sequences and the emotional depth brought to the character of Bond – but […]

Amazing 2023: A New Chapter in My Career

Amazing 2023: A New Chapter in My Career

Sandro Pecorella Thu 28 Dec 2023

2023 was another challenging year, and 1st of May ‘Workers Day’ the beginning of another chapter in my working career, and this time it started here in London. Although this was not my first day at the new office being a bank holiday, it was an amazing day, beautiful weather which I seemed to have […]

A 2.5 meter Panda and being Shot at

A 2.5 meter Panda and being Shot at

Humphrey Percy Thu 21 Dec 2023

Previous business trips over the past 40 years had not prepared me for the October SGM-FX Malta Board Meeting. Indeed regular monthly visits to Valletta the island’s capital had not given any indication that this time things were definitely going to be different.  The Board Meeting itself was as it turned out uneventful and passed […]

Open water swimming at the Royal Docks

Open water swimming at the Royal Docks

Bence Molnar Fri 15 Dec 2023

I have recently moved to the East side of London, and as I began to look for sporting opportunities, something very exciting popped up. Open water swimming at the Royal Docks. At the time it seemed like a great idea: a nice swim on a Saturday morning, followed by a late breakfast in the neighbouring […]

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