It is positive if not fully refreshing to be able to comment that at $22.88 WTI Oil has steadied, stock markets put in a second decent session yesterday after an early wobble in Europe, gold is at $1628 and GBP has clawed its way back to its best level for the past week versus USD and EUR. Also as highlighted in earlier Briefings, the ZAR is at its lowest ie the most advantageous level against EUR, GBP and USD for the last 4 years.
SGM-FX HQ is fully staffed (albeit remotely) and we pride ourselves on continuing to deliver both the very best service to you our Clients. What we used before “Lockdown” to call “normal”, has been replaced by a new way of working with instant communication over both audio and video internet mediums and our hours of business are unchanged. So please do give us a call/ mail and we will be pleased to talk/reply responsively and rapidly.
There are some unforeseen consequences of WFH where the blame can be fairly laid on all those journalists who have been detailed by their Editors to write about keep fit exercises that one can do at home. Let’s just get it out of the way : it is very many years since many of our readers will have experienced carpet burn but following the daily home keep fit guides in the newspapers on how best to execute planks, mountain climbers and bear crawls in front of your wide screen, knees, knuckles and elbows throughout the land in all countries will have taken a beating on sitting room hearth rugs. Expect Bandaids and Savlon to be in short supply! So if you want to get ahead of the game you should think about buying the largest medical supplier in the world, Johnson and Johnson shares at $119 down from nearly $160 in January…..!
While the team at SGM-FX have been closely monitoring markets and looking for value in the world’s currency pairs, forced to stay at home citizens of Canada have clearly had their minds on a different set of priorities:
With Bloomberg, CNBC and CNN on for 12-18 hours a day as usual, tracking global market movements in commodities, currencies, bonds, gold, equities and government bonds we at SGM-FX could of course expound further on all of that and more, but instead, we want to alert you to the key stat of the week : internet sales of sex toys has increased since the lock down in Canada by no less than 135%.
O Canada!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
God keep our land glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
Have a great and safe weekend!
Discussion and Analysis by Humphrey Percy, Chairman and Founder
Great British Pound After a lacklustre reaction to the UK interest rate cut on Thursday and a more visceral one to the much less rosy Bank of England economic forecasts, GBP staged a recovery at the end of the week. However over the weekend a series of less than optimistic commentary on the BoE, the […]
Bank of England As expected the BoE cut interest rates by 25bps yesterday. So far so good but then the BoE departed from the script. Flat economic growth up until the end of 2024 was less of a surprise but then a new forecast for inflation +3.7% and 2025 economic growth slashed from 1.5% to […]
Not another headline Markets have either grown complacent or are reading beyond Trump’s headline statements. Over the past week markets have been presented with the challenge of fresh tariffs on China with retaliatory tariffs on the US also due to come into force in just under a week. In addition to that they have the […]