SGM-FX insights

Our Daily Brief provides insights into the news and views driving today’s foreign currency exchange rates.

Morning Brief – European Central Bank

Morning Brief – European Central Bank

Humphrey Percy Fri 12 Apr 2024

European Central Bank Something for everybody: the ECB as expected left interest rates unchanged but made it clear that cuts will be forthcoming now that inflation is near the target 2% rate. Brushed over is that with growth at near zero, bank lending moribund and the EU economy flat, something has to give.EUR/USD 1.0720 Japanese […]

Morning Brief – France

Morning Brief – France

Humphrey Percy Wed 10 Apr 2024

France Quite simply the numbers do not add up for President Macron and his future in government, never mind La Belle France and its citizens : France is the third most indebted EU country after Greece and Italy with a debt to GDP ratio of 110.6%. In the past year the deficit has increased by […]

Morning Brief – Space Solar

Morning Brief – Space Solar

Humphrey Percy Mon 8 Apr 2024

Space Solar UK Oxfordshire based company Space Solar is on the way to creating a solar farm that will generate constant and cheap electricity….in space. The plan is to launch a 2000 tonne solar farm into space and then with a complicated system of mirrors and solar panels beam light back to Planet Earth from […]

Morning Brief – Oil

Morning Brief – Oil

Humphrey Percy Wed 3 Apr 2024

Oil As we have been pointing to, oil has been edging up and is now on a 7 month high. Not it should be stressed on a rosey economic picture but rather on increasing tensions in the Middle East-the latest being the Israeli strike on the Iranian embassy in Damascus.Brent: USD 88.70 Sunny Spain The […]

Morning Brief – EU Border Controls

Morning Brief – EU Border Controls

Humphrey Percy Wed 27 Mar 2024

EU Border Controls 26,000 respondents in 18 jurisdictions have spoken and 51% of them are dissatisfied with border controls and the level of immigration into the EU. Now that is a statistic that political parties across the EU should sit up and take notice of in the next two months in the lead up to […]

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