The clutter I liked best

Bujin Erdenetuya
Thu 30 May 2024

Tucked away in a quiet residential street. I visited Sir John Soane museum this weekend, the eccentric architect of the Bank of England. A small ordinary house from the outside filled to the brim with treasure trove of antiques from all around the world.

A well travelled man. The collection felt like the grander extensive version of the souvenirs we all bring back from holiday. There was something to discover In every corner you lay your eyes on. The Georgian building housed Antonio Canalettos paintings of Venice to Sarcophagus of the Egyptian pharaoh. Stain glass windows and mirrors were cleverly used to bounce light around the room to expand the space. With marble fragments hung all the way up to the sealing. Each room felt like a work of art we have stepped into.

Only an hour spent inside wondering around felt like I had travelled around the world. Even though it was quite hard to move around the building as not to break anything. I can only imagine how hard it must have been living In such a house. All in all the cluttered artefacts had created a breathtakingly beautiful piece of architecture I enjoyed visiting.

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